New Idea For Ukraine 'Prevent WW3' Effort: Fueled By Love


Ideas beget ideas, I always say. And it turns out the ideas we posted in support of the Ukraine’s “Prevent WW3” effort inspired at least one new idea. Just a day or so after I posted that piece, my former colleague Amelie Loyot called me all excited about an idea she had in reaction to our post.

I was so inspired by what you and your team took on, that I couldn't help myself but get inspired. Crazy-happy that several of the ideas have already been picked up- they are all Big Ideas. So, inevitably, your team's amazing work hit me. Inspired me. And made me think- Hey, maybe I could add something into the mix.

It’s a great idea so I want to share it with you in case someone wants to take it and run with it. Amelie and her partner CJ Kaplan prepared a write-up for it and designed visuals as well, as follows:

Objective: Support Ukraine and help U.S. citizens (Or any other country that the language translates to) who are struggling with high gas prices

Strategy: Create a program that alleviates the pain at the pump and provides relief funds to Ukraine without bringing politics into the mix

Solution: Partner with the fuel companies to create the FUELED BY LOVE Gas Card that gives users a discount at the pump and funnels money into UNICEF (or another relief organization working in Ukraine) with every purchase


• Buy FUELED BY LOVE Gas Cards online and earmark them for groups of people who are dependent on vehicles/transportation—Long distance truckers, delivery people, care workers/volunteers who drive patients to medical treatments, etc.

• For every dollar people spend on these gas cards, the fuel companies will match with a donation to a Ukraine relief organization. (If the fuel companies won’t match dollar for dollar, we can settle on a percentage.)


• The people who have been most affected by the rise in fuel prices save money

• Ukraine gets much-needed relief funds

• The gas companies become the good guys instead of the villains

• Ordinary people can make a difference here in the U.S./Europe and in Ukraine

Possible Social Extensions:

• Cease fire talks could be #FueledByPeace

• Moments of courage could be #FueledByBravery

• Stories of perseverance could be #FueledByStrength 

Who wants to step up?

As we did with the twelve ideas our Ideasicle Experts came up with, we invite any agencies or fuel companies to adopt this idea and bring it to life. I love this one because it’s a way to help soften the blow of high fuel costs while at the same time helping devastated civilians in the Ukraine. Wish we thought of it.

Well done, Amelie and CJ.

About Amelie and CJ, and the motivation behind their idea:

Amelie Loyot (CD/AD) and CJ Kaplan (CD/CW) are an award-winning creative team who have worked together in agencies and independently for the past 25 years. As a team, they have built brand campaigns for Stop & Shop, UMass Amherst, Santa Fe Tourism, The Vermont Lottery, Emirates Airlines, TruVideo and many more. Separately and together, they have lent their talents to dozens of worthy causes over the years and are always happy to contribute ideas that move the world forward.

Both of us were feeling helpless as we watched the atrocities of the Russian invasion of Ukraine on the nightly news. Our feeling of dread was exacerbated by people in both parties using the war as a political wedge rather than working together to help solve it. So, when we saw what Ideasicle X was doing to foster peace, we saw our chance to make a difference. 

Our proposal is an attempt to unite American consumers and the big oil companies for the purpose of providing much needed aid to the Ukranian people. By helping the people who have been hurt the most by the rise in fuel prices in our country we can simultaneously support those who are suffering in Ukraine

This unjust war is a global problem. We hope to be part of the solution.

Will Burns is the Founder & CEO of Ideasicle X. You can reach him at