Posts tagged beatles
"John will whistle at me, and I whistle back at him." The Creative Process According To Paul McCartney

I stumbled upon a wonderful Facebook post from Beatle John on Facebook today that I think gives us several insights into the creative process. The post quotes Ivor Davis, an investigative reporter who was given unprecedented access to The Beatles when they were on tour in the early 1960’s. In the following blurb, Davis describes what he saw when he saw John and Paul working, creating, and writing some of the greatest music of all time.

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Let The Beatles Beatle, Right Paul?

By now anyone who’s got even a faint interest in the Beatles has seen Peter Jackson’s incredible documentary, “Get Back.” Being a bit of a Beatles nut, I’ve now seen it five times and I notice something different in it every time. But there’s an important theme in the narrative that is instructive for creative teamwork—in teams of four. When Paul tries to tell his three bandmates what to do, what to play, what to sing, he suffocates the group dynamic that made the Beatles the Beatles.

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