when an agency needs a cheat code

Pitching is the lifeblood of the advertising business, for better or worse. Currently agencies are experience serious staffing shortages and budget cuts, yet they still must pitch. One call to us and we can be coming up with 10+ big campaign ideas for your pitch in just a few days.

That means your pitch team isn’t starting from zero, they can rifle through all of our ideas and find the ideas that resonate with them and are worthy of further development for the big pitch. The creative process continues from our initial presentation to your big one.

Timing: one week for one round of 10+ ideas (less if necessary).


  1. IX Use Case: North Jump Starts (And Wins) Ledlenser Pitch With Ideasicle X

  2. IX Use Case: White Rhino Gets More Ideas In One Day Than In A Typical Week

  3. IX Use Case: David Baldwin and Baldwin& Keep It Close To home

  4. Ukraine Campaign: If An Idea Could Start World War 3, An Idea Could Precent It (see entire Ideasicle X process in action)